Candace Cates-Cavellier
Fine Arts
Exhibitions & Festivals-Select list
2024 Corrales Studio Arts Tour
Corrales Studio Arts Tour
2015 -2021
Bosque Albuquerque Open
Space Gallery
"Master Works of NM"
"Spring 2000" NMWS exhibition
"Watermedia 2001" NMWS
Signature members show
"Art by Architects" IAC Contemporary
Art Exhibit
Albuquerque "Visions of Excellence"
AUA show
"Signature II Show" -Texas Tech.
"Ins and Outs" UNM
Albuquerque Country Club Solo
"Magnifico" Albuquerque Convention Center
NMWS Signature Members Show
"25th Southwest Exhibition" Yuma,Az.
"NM Landscape" UNM
"NM Signature Member's Show" St.
John's College,Santa Fe
"Close to the Border" -NM State U.
"24th SW Exhibition" Yuma, Az.
"Watercolor West" Brea, Cal.
"Watercolor 90" St. Charles, Ill.
1 Person exhibit UNM
"Que Pasa" Los Alamos, NM
UNM Thompson Gallery
"Arizona Aqueous IV" Tubac,AZ.
"Visions of Excellence" AUA show,
UNM Teaching Gallery
UNM Travelling Exhibition
Candace Cates-Cavellier
Born in Chicago,Ill.
Lives & works in Corrales, NM
I moved to New Mexico to become an archaeologist and ended up pursuing Art, becoming an Artist, Landscape Architect,and Art teacher.

MA Fine Arts with honors-UNM
BFA Fine Arts-UNM
BS Biology-UNM
Licensed K-12 Visual Arts Teacher
Licensed Landscape Architect
Collections and Awards
UNM Permanent Art Collection
Albuquerque Sunwest Bank Collection
Albuquerque United NM Bank Collection
Western Watercolor Society 3rd place
Albuquerque Arts and Crafts Show- honorable mention
Albuquerque Travelling Art Bus Panels
Texas Neighbors Regional Exhibition-2nd place
NM State Fair Art Exhibit -2nd place
Celebration of Watercolor Show -1rst place and Purchase Award